
Social Media and Relationships

     Social Media and Relationships Are there benefits and risks of engaging in social media? As with anything there are always pros and cons. With social media and relationships it can be a little tricky to navigate. Social media changes the speed that we can connect with others. We can chat with another person almost instantly. With that speed of change and connecting virtually, it also changes the way that we communicate with others. Relationships are not as interpersonal as they once were. There are no meaningful deep conversations, now people use more slang in conversation such as BRB for "be right back". Often those communicate via Facetime with loved ones far. This takes away moments that could be created, such as cooking Sunday dinner as a family. With social media, it is easy to compare ourselves with others. Many envy others, without seeing their true life.  Social media can change our moods and how we react to those around us. Being on social media can affect our s